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Handy tips to sell your home faster

So you’ve decided it’s time to sell your home. Not surprisingly, you’ll want it on and off the market as quickly as possible because nobody likes having home opens every weekend.

Here are some handy tips that will help you get it sold.

Price it right

Don’t be tempted to price your home too high, it can turn off potential buyers and mean it takes longer to sell your house, even after you’ve dropped the price. packing boxes with kids toys

The first month of your home being on the market is the most important. If your price is too high, buyers might stay away thinking you’re not serious about selling or not willing to negotiate.

The best thing to do is get several valuations of your home and choose the one you think is the most realistic.

Declutter and clean

Everyone loves a spacious, clean home, so declutter and clear as much space as you can – it’ll make your home feel bigger. Pay special attention to your wardrobes and cupboards. You can bet any potential buyer will snoop around to see how much storage space there is, so make it look like there’s lots.

Give the house a thorough clean from top to bottom. Clean the windows, the oven, the walls and doors, under the beds, wipe away any dust and make sure that the bathroom surfaces are sparkling. Yes, it will take some elbow grease and some time, so you might want to think about hiring some pros to do the job.

Spruce up the outside

Just like those reality TV dating shows, first impressions count – so make sure your garden and the front of your house looks great. Mow the lawn, trim the edges and weed the garden. If your lawn is looking tired, lay down some roll-on lawn – it’s easy and instantly improves your garden.homegrown gardening goodness steve wood deryn thorpe

A really easy way to increase street appeal is to brighten up the garden with flowering plants. Mulch makes your garden beds look healthy.

You can’t spruce up the front and ignore the back. Do the same: add some bright plants, weed and mulch gardens and trim any trees and bushes so they’re neat and tidy.

Have a walk around your house and see if any woodwork or doors need a fresh coat of paint.

A high-pressure cleaner is a simple way to remove any stains on the driveway or any paths and pavers.


These days, most homebuyers start their search for a new home online and a picture is worth a thousand words. So make sure you have plenty of  high quality images of your home that really show how great it looks inside and out. The more pics the better, just make sure they’re all online wherever your home is advertised.

Let there be light

After location, a well-lit home is one of the things homebuyers look for. So, increase the wattage of your bulbs, clean lampshades and windows and cut any trees or bushes to let more light through the windows.

If you’re thinking about moving or have already moved, more information on moving with Kleenheat is available at