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Supporting communities across regional WA

Local people, local groups, local communities

Check out some past recipients of a Kleenheat Community Grant below.

Grant category: Connected Communities

Who: North Dandalup Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade

What do they do?: Bushfire preparedness, response, and mitigation.

How the organisation plans to spend the grant: The North Dandalup Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade plan to purchase new equipment to support their efforts to fight local bushfires.

Where are they based? North Dandalup, WA

North Dandalup Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade Kleenheat Community Grants recipient

North Dandalup Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade.

Who: Kondinin Community Resource Centre

What do they do?: The Kondinin CRC aims to encourage and support the local community is all matters, from employment, technical and IT support and online safety, social and sporting activities, mental health and wellbeing, and inclusivity.

How the organisation plans to spend the grant: The Kondinin CRC aims to use the funds towards their next family fun day.

Where are they based? Kondinin, WA

Grant category: Inspiring Bright Minds

Who: Broome Community Resources Centre Inc.

What do they do?: The Broome CRC provides the only STEM activity for children from the Broome community. Every week the team provide weekly coding sessions at the local Broome CRC  which help children of all backgrounds develop skills in a fun and engaging atmosphere.

How the organisation plans to spend their grant: The funds will be used to provide young coders with access to the coding curriculum throughout 2021, access to high-quality, engaging weekly face-to-face instructions by qualified coding technical experts and fund screen-printed club t-shirts for all children participating in weekly coding sessions, using the club logo designed by the kids themselves.

Where are they based? Broome, WA

Who: Tuart Forest Primary School P&C Associated Inc.

What do they do?: Tuart Forest P&C is a voluntary team who fundraise for extra resources and equipment for the Tuart Forest Primary School.

How the organisation plans to spend the grant: The grant will go towards the P&C purchasing two VEX IQ robots to donate to the Tuart Forest Primary School. This will complete a class set of robots that the school uses to teach STEM concepts to students in Year 3 to 6. These robots are used as part of the Instructional Play activities that students participate in at lunchtimes.

Where are they based? Dalyellup, WA

Geraldton-based SHINE received a Kleenheat Community Grant for their program which inspires the minds of female teenagers in the Mid West and Gascoyne area of WA. Learn more about ways to inspire bright minds.

Grant category: Health and Wellbeing

Who: Nyabing Primary School P&C

What do they do?: The Nyabing Primary School P&C is a voluntary team who fundraise for extra resources and equipment for the Nyabing Primary School.

How the organisation plans to spend the grant: Mental health and anxiety awareness is a high priority at Nyabing Primary School. This year the P&C plans to host ‘Awesome Ends With Me!’ an event that will engage students, teachers, and parents to openly discuss mental health. Trained professionals will run an interactive incursion focusing on mental health and anxiety in students. Funding will assist in providing each student with their own personal Mental Health Journal.

Where are they based? Nyabing, WA

Nyabing Primary School Kleenheat Community Grants recipient

Nyabing Primary School.

WhoCorrigin Community Resource Centre

What do they do?: The Corrigin Community Resource Centre strives to make a positive impact on the emotional well-being of the youth in the community, by bringing free or low-cost activities to the town.

How the organisation plans to spend the grant: The grant will go toward the Sports Fun for Everyone program. It will provide a variety of inflatable sport games for school-aged children including a horizontal climbing wall, dodgeball, and slam dunk basketball.

Where are they based? Corrigin, WA

The Champion Bay Surf Life Saving Club has recently received a Kleenheat Community Grant for their various Club programs which help to keep the community in Geraldton, a city in the Mid West of WA, healthy and included. Learn more about ways to keep your mind and body healthy.

Grant category: A Healthy Planet

Who: Brookton Community Inc

What do they do?: Brookton Community Inc. exists to provide ongoing support for smaller local community groups; fostering community and community development within Brookton.

How the organisation plans to spend the grant: The grant will go towards purchasing a rainwater tank that captures rain from the CRC’s roof and then water the Community Gardens.

Where are they based? Brookton, WA

Brookton Community Inc. Kleenheat Community Grants recipient

Brookton Community Inc.’s Community Garden – wicking garden greens.

Who: Golden Valley Tree Park Inc.

What do they do?: The Golden Valley Tree Park Inc. work together with the Department of Parks and Wildlife to both conserve and promote the unique Golden Valley Tree Park. The Botanic Collection Golden Valley Tree Park is the largest arboretum in Western Australia, both in terms of area and number of species.

How the organisation plans to spend the grant: The grant will assist in the purchasing of plants of rare Australian natives for the Australian Collection. Among new plantings to be completed, is a range of unusual West Australian tree species which will expand The Park’s collection of trees from the South West Region alone to over 120 different tree species.

Where are they based? Balingup, WA

Learn about ways to keep our homes, communities and environment, healthy into the future.

Boyup Brook Community Resource Centre

Golden Valley Tree Park.

Grant category: Cultural Diversity

Who: Beacon Progress Association

What do they do?: The Beacon Progress Association is the umbrella group for all the community groups within the small Wheatbelt town of Beacon. The purpose of the Association is to bring all community members and stakeholders together so to build the social, economic and cultural identity of the area.

How the organisation plans to spend the grant: The funds will go towards A Nod To The Past, a project that will help tell the many stories associated with the history of Beacon.

The most recent and significant project has been the success of saving the old railway barracks from demolition so as to allow further development of their cultural story which is rich in Italian and English migrant history. There are still residents in Beacon whose Italian migrant descendants worked on the railroads and lived in this same building.

In addition, other components of the project include developing a historic walking trail, reconstructing a sandalwood dray and old farming machinery, and conducting wildflower tours that also showcase the contribution of aboriginal activity in the area.

The aim is to help the community learn more about Beacon’s past, and develop connections with each other in the community.

Where are they based? Beacon, WA

Beacon Progress Association Kleenheat Community Grants recipient

Beacon Progress Association.

Who: Boyup Brook Community Resource Centre (Inc)

What do they do?: The Boyup Brook Community Resource Centre (BBCRC) is a not-for-profit, community-managed organisation that has been serving the small, rural community of Boyup Brook since 1995. The BBCRC focuses on connecting and supporting the community with information and services.

The BBCRC delivers a range of services and programs ranging from commercial partnerships, training courses, room hire, secretarial and technological assistance, health promotion activities, community project development and management, and production of the community newspaper ‘The Boyup Gazette’.

How the organisation plans to spend the grant: The BBCRC plans to hold a Bush Medicine Workshop. The BBCRC has previously conducted a number of cultural awareness activities for the Boyup Brook community to increase the knowledge and understanding of local Indigenous history, such as a Noongar language course, NAIDOC week arts events, and general information sharing about Aboriginal culture.

The grant would enable a local elder to provide a workshop on country to demonstrate this knowledge to community members.

Where are they based? Boyup Brook, WA

Learn more about the diversity of our communities.

Boyup Brook Community Resource Centre Kleenheat Community Grants recipient

Boyup Brook Community Resource Centre.