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Chocolate mousse with lilly pilly granita | Kleenheat Kitchen

It’s the perfect summer dessert featuring the creamy indulgence of chocolate mousse and the refreshing fruity native gems of lily pillies for the holiday season.

Preparation: 30 mins Freezing time: 4 hours


  • 200g semisweet or bittersweet chocolate (preferably 70% cacao)
  • 6 tbsp unsalted butter
  • 6 large eggs, separated
  • ¼ cup plus 6 tablespoons sugar, divided
  • 1 cup chilled whipped cream
  • 1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  • Crumbed chocolate biscuits

Lily pillly granita

  • 2 cups Lilly pillies
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 tsp tartaric acid
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 lemons, juiced


For the granita

  1. Put all the ingredients for the Granita into a saucepan. Boil for about five minutes or until the lily pillies are just starting to soften.
  2. Mash the fruit, then tip the mixture into a strainer and strain out the lumps.
  3. Let the liquid mixture cool down, pour it into a shallow tray, and then place it in the freezer for 30 minutes or until partially frozen. Remove the container from the freezer and break up the crystals by scraping the surface with a fork. Return to the freezer for 30 minutes, then remove and scrape crystals again. Repeat this process every 30 minutes until light, fluffy ice crystals form.

For the chocolate mousse

  1. Heat chocolate and butter in a double boiler using a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water (the bottom of the bowl should not touch the water). Stir until chocolate and butter are melted and well blended, then set aside the chocolate mixture.
  2. Using an electric mixer to beat egg whites and then add three tablespoons of sugar, mix until medium-stiff peaks form. Set aside.
  3. Using the electric mixer again (with a clean bowl and beater), beat egg yolks on medium-high speed, add ¼ cup sugar and mix until pale and fluffy. Then pour the chocolate mixture in until mixed well.
  4. Using a large spatula, gently fold egg white mixture into chocolate mixture until no streaks remain. Starting in the centre of the mixture and working your way toward the edges of the bowl, gently fold egg whites into the chocolate mixture (make sure to scrape up from the bottom). Rotate the bowl as you go until no streaks remain (this will incorporate the egg whites without deflating them as you don’t want to lose volume). Chill in the fridge for at least four hours.
  5. To serve, place crumbed biscuits onto a plate followed by a dollop of mousse and whipped cream. Make a small well in the top of each dollop with the back of a spoon. Top with Granita and sliced lily pillies.


Lilly pillies (also known as Australian cherries) are a popular Australian native tree with white, pink, magenta or purple fruit.  They taste very tart when eaten raw, but when added with sugar to make jams, preserve or desserts, they make a pretty and delicious addition to any dish or pantry.

Cooking with native ingredients

As the bush industry has grown, there have been more opportunities to buy plant food. Most native ingredients can be ordered online and in some cases, you can grow your own. Check out some simple tips for setting your garden up for success.

If you can’t order native ingredients because of seasonality or supply, there’s always an equivalent or substitute.

Here are some local WA suppliers to consider:

Mallinup Aboriginal Gallery

Mayi Harvest

Kakadu Plum Co.

Kimberley Wild Gubinge


Zanthorrea Nursery, Maida Vale

Lullfitz Nursery, Wanneroo

Australian Native Nursery, Oakford

Friends of Kings Park, Kings Park: they conduct plant sales in September and November to raise funds to support research and special projects at Kings Park and Botanic Garden.

For more cooking inspiration, check out other recipes in the Kleenheat Kitchen.