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Five home-grown ingredients to make your dinner plate dance

There’s something wonderful about picking fresh produce from your own yard to help make a healthy and flavoursome meal.

We’ve taken a look at five veggie patch favourites to inspire delicious garden to plate goodness.


Kale has grown hugely popular its health benefits, but it’s long harvest time and versatility means its a perfect option for everything from soups and bakes to salads and healthy shakes.

Garden tip: Plant kale seeds directly to your garden or as transplant seedlings, either way leaving at least 30cm in between room to spread. Keep young plants well watered to encourage sweet leaves.

Broad beans

Used as the hero in side salads or to complement saltier recipe ingredients, broad beans are a versatile option for adding colourful and healthy twist to your next meal.

Garden tip: Plant in autumn in readiness for spring harvest. Soak your sowing seeds for 24 hours to soften the hard outer casing, then plant 3-4cm deep in compost-rich soil. Water regularly in the days to follow.


These days it shares the spotlight with its broccolini counterpart, but this veggie classic can help add a healthy twist to salads or pastas. Steam your broccoli to maximise flavour.

Garden tips: Once considered solely a winter vegetable, some varieties can grow right across the year. Start your seedlings in small pots or trays for 4-6 weeks while enriching your planting area with good compost to help smooth transfer to the garden.



Forget the tinned stuff – beetroot grown in your own garden delivers next-level earthy deliciousness. It’s easy to grow, even in small gardens, plus the edible leaves are perfect for salads.

Garden tip: Pick a spot in the garden that delivers at least four hours of sun, then plan in compost-rich and well-draining soil. Water regularly and harvest in 2-3 months.


Let the arguments begin! You’re either a lover or a loather of coriander, but if it’s not for you there’s plenty more easy-to-grow herb options available. Coriander lovers can use leaves and stems to breathe freshness into Chinese, Thai or Mexican dishes.

Garden tip: Herbs will generally grow well throughout the year, though they do thrive in warmer environments. If your area cools considerably in the winter months, consider relocating your herb garden indoors.