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Alice Springs Outback Anglers – maintaining community through family, fellowship and fishing

The Alice Springs Outback Anglers Club plays an important role in connecting the community and maintaining the health and wellbeing of its club members.
Alice Springs Outback Anglers Club

It received a $1,000 Kleenheat Community Grant to conduct restoration work on the club’s kitchen, so it could have a larger, more welcoming and inclusive space for members to participate in social events, activities and of course, fishing.

Supporting an active and inclusive community

What is the Alice Springs Outback Anglers Club

The Alice Springs Outback Anglers was established in the late 90s and provides a unique fishing club experience in Central Australia. The Club ‘shed’ is located at King Ash Bay in the Gulf of Carpentaria in the Northern Territory, approximately 40km from Borroloola and 1,250km from Alice Springs. Alice Springs Outback Anglers Club

The Club is made up of a group of like-minded individuals who share an interest in responsible fishing and the outdoors.

The Club encourages mutual respect toward all members and focuses on its values of family, fishing and fellowship. These values are particularly emphasised when its members participate in activities and competitions, and when guests and new members are invited into the Club.

How did the Club use its Kleenheat Community Grant?

The Club used its Kleenheat grant together with local business support to modernise its kitchen and turn it into a more practical space. The kitchen can now accommodate multiple fishing groups at once.

The Club installed two new stainless steel benchtops with storage, hot and cold water plumbed into each sink, and new gas lines plumbed into the two existing stove ovens.

“We would like to thank Kleenheat, Barker Hume Homes – Jason, Judy & Phil Barker & the Team, The Cabinet Shop – David Bloomer & the Team, KerrBuild Pty Ltd T/As Alice Powder Coating – Phillip & Leonie Kerr & the Team and Greg Boaz – ASOA Member.”

Connecting the local community Alice Springs Outback Anglers Club

The Alice Springs Outback Anglers Club provides a facility for all Centralians and members to use when fishing out of King Ash Bay. The Club connects with its community through its Facebook page. It uses the page to promote responsible fishing and encourage its young members to enjoy the outdoors while socialising.

Every two years the Club organises a fishing trip to King Ash Bay where it competes with the Tennant Creek Fishing Club.

Learn more about Alice Springs Outback Anglers

Alice Springs Outback Anglers Club

If you or someone you know would like to join the Alice Springs Outback Anglers Club, you can:

  • join in at their next monthly meeting,
  • be nominated by a current member and seconder,
  • application forms are available via their Facebook page or,
  • email the Club directly and they will email you an application form.

Registration and annual fees apply, however, these are minimal.